Issue Position: Sanctity of Human Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Abortion

I am pro-life. However, I do believe that in cases of rape, incest or where the life of the mother is at stake, that a woman should be allowed to terminate a pregnancy. When I was an Assistant District Attorney, I prosecuted a number of cases of rape. I saw the physical trauma and psychological anguish women went through. I believe there are times when a woman (hopefully in consultation with her doctor and loved ones) should have an option. That said, I do not support the use of taxpayer dollars to finance abortions and I would vote against Gov. Cuomo's Abortion Expansion Act.

This is a position I have reached over time and it has not come easy for me. Twenty or thirty years ago, I felt differently. But, as I get older, I have learned to appreciate life more and learned more about this issue. I have dear friends that would not be here today if their teenage mothers had chosen abortion. Some of them are now parents themselves. Also, medical advances, like ultrasounds technology, have shown us that a baby in the womb is much more developed than people thought just a few years ago.
